Wolford Aktiengesellschaft announces pursuant to section 135 para 1 BörseG that the total number of voting rights as of 15.2.2023 amounts to 9,653,666 voting rights. As of February 15, 2023, the share capital amounts to EUR 46,337,596.80 and is divided into 9,653,666 ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of EUR 4.80 each.
The changes result from the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Wolford Aktiengesellschaft on December 1, 2022, in which an increase of the share capital from previously EUR 32,251,924.80, divided into 6,719,151 no-par value bearer shares with voting rights (common shares), by up to EUR 16,125,960.00 to up to EUR 48,377,884.80 by issuing up to 3,359,575 new no-par value bearer shares with voting rights (common shares) was resolved.